Why You Should Use Video To Tell Your Story

tell your story videography company piper media group

There is no storytelling tool quite like videography. A great video production company can tell your story in a way that really helps you connect with your audience. Whether it is for your brand, your influencing career, or your campaign for political office, video is a tool you should be making full use of to tell your story. Here’s why video storytelling is so valuable.

Useful For Everyone

First off, high-quality videography is useful in just about every context. There are countless uses for videos both for brands and individuals. It is a medium that can help you accomplish any number of goals personally or professionally. No matter who you are or what you’re looking to achieve, it is very likely that a great video production company can help you out. Just a few of the types of content video production companies can create: Content for your website, TV spots, digital advertisements, customer testimonials, and product videos. So don’t write off video even if you think it won’t help in your specific situation: a solid video strategy may be more useful than you think.

A Unique Story-Telling Tool

Videos bring together the best of other common forms of content. You can include visuals, sounds, and dialogue all together in a video to create a well-rounded and complete story. You can share so much more in even a short 30-second video clip than you could with an album of photos or a long-winded body of text. Having so many tools at your disposal when it comes to video production makes it easier to tell a story through video than by using photos, text, or a combination of them.

Personal and Relatable

Videos can also feel more personal and tangible than other mediums. Whether you’re an influencer, a politician, or the owner of a small business, people want to know the face behind the front. Take for example a candidate running for political office. They could just get photos taken, write up their platform, and then share those messages on social media, in the newspaper, on flyers, etc. Or they could hire an experienced political videographer to elevate their campaign. The videographer could help them speak directly to their audience, sharing not only the bullet points of their campaign platform but also their personality and who they really are. Voters will feel a stronger personal connection with a candidate they have actually seen speak and can identify by sight, rather than with a candidate they agree with politically but don’t know anything about personally. To maximize votes, candidates will want to hire a political videographer.

The Results Don’t Lie

More than anything, the results don’t lie. Study after study has found that people engage more with video than they do with other forms of content. On social media in particular, video posts consistently receive more views and engagement than still images. It’s time you make use of the most successful medium in the business today. Tell your story, share your offerings, connect with your audience on a more personal level. All of this and more can be achieved with a strong corporate video strategy and the right video production company to make it happen.

Tell Your Story With Video

Looking for the right company for you?  For the best St. Louis videographers around, look no further than Piper Media Group.

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